Replica storage bag
Replica storage bag
Replica storage bag
Replica storage bag
Replica storage bag

Replica storage bag

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Storage bag for airsoft or sport shooting weapon or replica

Large capacity bag, ideal for hunting, airsoft or sport shooting

  • Noir
  • DTC/Multicam
  • Chameau

This storage bag, with its many pockets, can be unfolded to hold a long weapon, it also expands in thickness to double its storage capacity, so this bag takes up very little space, but can be unfolded to accommodate everything you need for your airsoft, hunting and shooting sports outings, it is also equipped with a belt for a better distribution of the load on the back.

This tactical bag is equipped with numerous attachment points for pouches or carabiners, which will allow you to hang light equipment, a scratch is also present to proudly hang your favourite crest on your bag


  • Hanging at the waist
  • Adjustable shoulder straps
  • Numerous attachment points for pockets or carabiners
  • Comfortable back reinforcement
  • Multiple pockets
  • Available colours: black, tan and mtp
  • Dimensions: length folded bag: approx. 73 cm, unfolded bag: 90 cm
  • width: 30 cm, folded bag thickness 10 cm, unfolded bag thickness 20 cm
  • Condition: new
  • Weight : 1.7 kg
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